We have made our appointment systems easy to use.

You can book an appointment through online portal, by phone or contact form.

Pre-Appointment Instructions

Click to view instructions

  • Appointments are being managed in such a way that there is sufficient time for us to disinfect the operatory before and after every patient. So, you might get limited time slots to book an appointment.

  • We are doing our best to reduce the waiting time for you, so as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area.

  • We have reduced the number of toys, magazines and dental education models, as these items can harbour any kind of infections.

  • Only ONE PARENT should accompany the child in operatory.

  • Please make sure the child brushes his/her teeth at home before coming to clinic.

  • Try to inform and prepare your child regarding the new attire/dress we are wearing as infection control protocol in a friendly manner.

  • Kindly wear mask throughout your stay in the clinic and minimize your contacts with surfaces and door knobs.

  • Considering our present commitment to keep you and your child safe, our clinic is completely sanitized and our working zone is absolutely aseptic. Extra precautionary measures have been adopted involving multiple modes of sterilisation. This has implication of manpower/materials/time consumption. Considering the above, expect increased charges for consultation and treatments.

  • Avoid cash and card payments. Kindly use digital payments like Google Pay, Paytm or UPI based apps.

Hope you understand the present situation and comply with the above mentioned changes in our clinic in the best interests of everyone responsibly. Looking forward to seeing you.

Preparing your child for the first dental visit: Click here for Do's and Don'ts for the parents!

Post operative instructions: Click here for important post-op instructions to be followed

Once again, assuring the best of our support all the time.

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